Perils of Commericalised Education
Criminality is the converse of Education. One thrives in the absence of the other.
Education advances humanity, as we discover, invent or develop new things, we train our children to master them.
Crime tends to advance as skilled people fall out of education or employment into limbo. Society protects Mr Average Unskilled with the social cushion of Welfare. Criminals may attempt to abuse the system and claim welfare when also earning money from crime. Welfare prevents those without resources from resorting to crime to eat.
The closure of this school is particularly sad. Started by an enterprising young woman that "the system" offered little to, it was probably too successful. Big fish tend to get caught in nets. The students that have had their courses interrupted probably are left with a sense of abandonment as they were locked out by the receivers. The government would do well to keep the school operating as a success story of individual effort.
State responsibility and control (of some things) is at least consistent. While the USSR failed to exploit natural resources to achieve economic stability, it did harvest some of the finest in ballet, film and the arts and created a more robust space exploration technology. There is something to be said for slowing progress and stemming the need to highlight the antics of the very very rich. The first we heard of this school was its closure. In the meantime we are bombarded by Government propaganda about the benefits of Genetic Modification, technology that could wreak NZ's farming economy (or, help it. What the heck is Government doing taking a punt with our main source of funds?)
It is a dangerous thing to put large numbers of people out of work. The criminals who used to steal the petty cash now satisfy their magpie addiction by breaking into houses while the gentle become legions of landscape gardeners, accepting but never quite able to reconcile why they were let go.
Education is the right that progress demands. Education is sacrosanct in human society. That a Government Dept screwed the business by not allowing it the funding to deliver to 3000 students (cap it at 600) meant that the major client was unable to be provided with the faciliities.
So while the NZ Government endangers schools in New Zealand the crime rate is rising.
Meantime, the crime rate going down in New York
Our hypothesis is that economic activity/assistance was suddenly available and much poverty crime became less necessary. Households of food thieves now had food on the table and could get back to the family business. The kids now go to schools that are being rebuilt. That kind of thing.
By privatising education, NZ has managed to put people at risk while exposing most to better technology and higher costs.
And through Government assistance, New York enjoys some hiatus from social crime.
See also: