Dirty Tricks
The Widow of Dr Robert Aitkins is considering legal action over the release of medical records about her weight before he died.
Amid ongoing controversy about his low-carbohydrate, high protein diet a group called the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine obtained Dr Atkins' pathology report and passed it to the Wall Street Journal.
The discussion of a patient's medical history is a no-go area, and for a "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine" to publish an individual's medical history to attack his radical diet theory is simply and diabolically wrong.
They are making fools of themselves.
Dr Aitkens, the writer and Dr Aitkens, the body are hardly the same thing. For them to attack the writer for his health is politics at its worst. The Physicians Committee's members can not have taken any Hippocratic Oath to consider publishing a medical history to attack a person.
People are very prone to misunderstand the rationale behind the propaganda. Healthy hearts across America would remove a lot of money and fear from the medical profession who are very aware that no quick fix is going to make everyone healthy.
Dr Aitken's diet can also be interpreted as a philosophy about the body.
Fast food plus sugar will cause heart disease. He was addressing the next generation of obese Americans who may live 10 - 20 years less on average due to the increased stress on the heart.