Saturday, December 31, 2005

Police Videotape Evidence

Lawyer Marie Dyhrberg expressed concern about police conduct in a case where video taped evidence was handed over to TVNZ who has since (permanently) lost a bid to broadcast it.

That the police have an interest in broadcasting evidence would appear to be an effort to add the weight of public opinion to denigrate a defendent and is thus prejudicial and a danger to the integrity of the Law. To allow evidence to be displayed in an effort to inform the public achieves exactly the reverse by setting up a forum for discussion that assumes guilt. That the government owned broadcaster is appealing this decision is even more extraordinary. Asserting freedom of the press is one thing. Broadcasting police evidence is quite another. How will we be sure anyone is guilty if the government can just show us a video taped "confession". What is next, toture and public humiliation? Do we have a system of justice - or would the public prefer a return to the dark ages? In this age of reality TV are we so jaundiced that we must be spoonfed"official truth" or would we prefer a system that more effectively discovers truth by sticking to the rules of evidence?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Corruption, Legal Definition

Election Corruption

... Mr Clarkson had the right as the lessee of a building to display a sign on that building without including the market value of the display space as a campaign expense, as Mr Henry had said was necessary. The judges feared a "rash of electoral petitions" should the act be interpreted otherwise.

What does this mean? Untested Election law to prevent corruption says that there is a maximum level of advertising (spare us all from excessive election campaigns!) for an election candidate and Bob Clarkson took Tauranga by a slender vote majority with advertising deals such as the above.

This is unfair if it favours candidate that own prominently placed commerical property and free signwriters who want to support their candidate by painting commericals on such public property. The value of that advertising has to be assessed as a portion of the expenses of owning that land, as a value that could be otherwised realized if the owner so desired. The cost to the owner is the opportunity that such advertising creates by demonstrating that such advertising is effective, he is demonstrating that such advertising has a value, a cost upon our eyes - rather than a cost in the accounting sense. It is the exposure, not the bank account that the law addresses.

Singapore Legal Authority

A passage to death?

Social progress is achieved by development of individuals, not by a Government selecting who is to die. Eugenics has a lot in common with Execution. It is a Government deciding who has the "privilege" of life, ahead of creating conditions to "improve the general quality of life for everyone". It is the contradiction - by selecting the right people to die - a Government could "improve society". Eugenics is systematic racial selection for a similar purpose and effect. How can one separate the two? A system of justice? Well perhaps, but is that not worshiping a mental process of man, rather the the Divine that dispenses (justice). As if justice were actually a tangible commodity and there were a market for it? Singapore is exporting the death penalty. Singapore executes drug couriers who fly with via Singapore, whether they set foot in the Capital Punishment (legal) territory or not.

Singapore Airlines may reconsider marketing in drug based economies for moral reasons. Are they facilitating state sponsored entrapment? Or is this an act of war to take foreign nationals and execute them effectively as prisoners of [the] war (on drugs)?

That the Australian Government of the day does not mind is an act of selection - we do not want drug dealers as Australian citizens. People keep asking what if the man's name was Shane Warne (not the famous cricketer - but if that were his name) - the Australian voter may give a care.

Should flights be banned by the UN from drug kingdoms? That would be quite unfair to the majority of honest travellers! But, is it moral for Singapore to effectively extend its Capital punishment laws internationally with it's name on a public transport passageway (legally and effectively not Singporean soil) and so by casting a net providing routes into places a drug courier goes - knowing that couriers will be exposed to the CP laws of that country even if they are not nationals of that country and have never legally entered the country?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Crime Stopper Website

In the UK the police have launched a crimewatch style website aimed at finding the most-wanted criminals. Of course, a public rogues gallery give the police a huge number of eyes and ears. But what does it say about the rest of us?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Jury members change story

Entertainment - network Jury members of the Michael Jackson trial now "change their story" and declare that they were under pressure to vote not guilty.

Since they have a book in the marketing dept, their claims appear not without alterior motive.

The US Justice system allows jury members to benefit from the freedom of the media. It follows then that money is to be made, so they go for reaction, spinning a media storm from sealed jury deliberations. Who can argue?

How much did this trial cost America? Are these peoples' "revelations" of greater value than justice? A belief that someone may be guilty is not the point. In a criminal case the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt - and 12 people voting aquittal is an indication that the prosecution failed to achieve that.

For a jury member to say, post mortem, that the defendent is guilty of crimes other than those before the court, is to say that the prosecution did not do their job by bringing relevant charges. A conviction based on heresay is not justice. A weak case is not justice.

A conviction that follows the rules of the court is considered "safe" is it is proven that the accused is guilty. A conviction based on inadequate evidence or popular opinion is not a conviction.

Susan Drake, 51, said that during the deliberations, the two jurors who now changed their story "were clear in expressing their feeling he might be guilty but totally clear that the evidence wasn't there and reasonable doubt prevailed." She described the deliberations as "thoughtful and courteous," not intimidating.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Notoriety and Responsibility

Notoriety and Responsibility

A recent police action resulted in a drug bust and the arrest of David Henderson, twice self-made property millionaire. Famously, two former sports celebrities have been implicated despite public knowledge of their identity they remain at large and under "name-supression". This highlights not the side effect of name supression, but the main point - to bestow immunity from publication in the media. Although the media know who they are and although they are already in the media, the media can not discuss it and possibly can not make it in any way obvious as to the identity of the individuals concerned.

Meantime, word gets out. Perhaps that is a good thing. David Henderson's immediate return to NZ from overseas to plead guilty to the crime of possession of cocaine may or may not have been a good idea. Waiting until the dust settled may have had advantages, perhaps, but this man is putting himself at the mercy of the court.

The police operation also resulted in the arrest of the manager of a successful Auckland café - charged as a co-conspiritor to the "kin-pin" - a 55 year old company director. And eighth man has since been arrested.

Two sporting celebrities named in court documents have so far not been charged and their identities remain protected by suppression orders.

Meantime, the Police face random drug testing a measure to restore confidence in the force. The public apparently need their confidence restored in the police. One can imagine after all the attacks on George Hawkins, the Minister of the Police, the Government likely wish to be seen doing something about crime.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Aquittal and innocence

Aquittal and Innocence

Being let off a crime perhaps describes what happened with OJ Simpson. Although he was also found "not guilty" nobody really believed that he should have been. But the case against him must have failed for reasons rather than imagined reasons.

It is entirely different to the Michael Jackson case. For a start, the double OJ murder certainly displayed the usual elements of motive, opportunity and means. Tangible evidence was not presented that could determine guilt so it was the fault of the state that guilt was not established. A defendent does not have to prove that they did not commit the crime, if the prosecutor can not prove that they did. It is the job of the police to clearly establish guilt.

The case presented against Michael Jackson is also different as there is no forensic evidence, but not believeable "evidence" from the "victim". Or "lies" from the "con artist". Depending upon how one looks at it.

Many seem to want to believe that the Bashir documentary is "evidence enough" of abuse. But it is not. Michael Jackson said he "shared his bed" - the minor detail that he may not have been there himself - is not entirely clear. One can imagine all one likes. It is evidence presented by the prosection. And they had free run of Neverland and that means that the opportunity for evidence collection has been explored.

Now it is time to leave the poor man alone. Or he may develop more weird tendancies and it seems that America can not really cope with its modern day Osacar Wilde persecution trial. Lucky Michael Jackson did not take the stand or worse, try to defend himself.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Michael Jackson was found NOT GUILTY on all ten counts.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

What Money can't buy

Latest Business News and Financial Information | Citibank has the most money of all the banks, apparently, putting aside 6 billion dollars for contingent liabilities was a bit of a sneeze, but they will get over it. They just had to pay out 2 billion for Enron exposure. That 2 billion was effectively stolen from their customers with their consent and was less than their exposure to Worldcom.

If Michael Jackson had that much money, he of course could not buy his way out of conviction. The jury remains out, and its little wonder with over 20 conviction decisions to wade through. It sounds like the court has handed over a huge legal assignment to the jury in a 98 page complex agenda.

Enjoy, then, these quotable quotes from New Criminologist.

I think that the one that applies in this case may be:

"A man without money need no more fear a crowd of lawyers than a crowd of pickpockets." William Wycherley, "The Plain Dealer", 1674.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Police - Crime vs Traffic

The real job

There is plenty of outcry in New Zealand about police sitting at the side of the road pointing a speed radar gun at the passing population of frustrated and sometimes frightened drivers. Frightened? The aggression or misbehaviour of many Auckland drivers is indeed a factor in road safety. There is no doubt that road accidents causes more than a reasonable proportion of early death than other forms of human activity that involve motion or mechisation. Univesality exposes us to each other in a very risky way. Our behaviour patterns and reactions are the very key to our survival. It may or may not be like other forms of crime in that it can be a consequence of frustration that we become lacking in the self-control dept. But when our muscles respond to the release of certain hormones we hope this does not translate to an additional 50 kms per hour of volocity on top as the acclerator is pushed down in anger. When we become angry, we lash out seeking satisfaction. A foot to the floor kind of reaction is the most dangerous form of unpredictability on the road. It need not be in anger, but at times when our attention is gathered by other things than paying attention to the detail of how our own vehicle is functioning and in relation to other vehicles hurtling or crawling along the highway.

This still does not answer why we need police to sit in their cars aiming a portable radar gun at us? Are random vehicles appearing over the crest of a rise or behind a favoured moterway signage blindspot more of a hinderance to safety than an aid to good behaviour? Probably not, and that is why the police seek to better our patterns of behaviour on the road. If they can prevent 400 deaths per annum, then they are doing four times more good than if they stopped every single murder.

It is fairly reasonable to argue that the lives of people who are connected in someway, however casual, to a murdering psychotic are in more need of police attention. But then, so many of us become murdering maniacs behind a wheel when someone or something has pissed us off. Like a parking ticket. We get behind the wheel and start letting off steam by punching down on the accelerator. Everyone has done it.

It is that behaviour, if we learn to correct it in our selves, prevents the dangerous spread of frustration between drivers. It would certainly help if drivers were able to simply able to keep their distances at least two whole seconds apart at all times. There would be far fewer accidents. Driving would be less frustrating.

And the police could concentrate their efforts on real criminals. The real stars of the 6pm news. Why do we want them sitting at the roadside?

Monday, May 30, 2005 News - Latest News - Accuser's Credibility Is the Key in Michael Jackson Trial News - Latest News - Accuser's Credibility Is the Key in Michael Jackson Trial The boy who cried wolf brought crowds of people to his aid before they stopped believing him. The passage of time will show the common sense result, that there is a reasonable doubt. It is described by The Scotsman, at 6:44pm Sunday 29th May. It indicates that the boy, the key witness, more likely than not, has been convinced by his mother to tell the story. Each time he tells it, details are left out. By not presenting hard evidence but possible corrupt testimony the prosecution steers away from the jury defocusing from the simple conflict of the child and his cancer driven pity vs Jackson's tragically mistaken sense of proportion. If they only have that to consider, then the emotional value is in their favor.

Maybe I have missed something here, but it seems a little light on the "evidence" and it is a crimnal prosecution. Maybe the police caught the whole thing on camera, or worse, maybe someone at Never Never given a licence to film for eight months, did, when they were not suppposed to, and they gained a little more than Michael's confidence. Either way, we may have missed it. As far as I can tell, Michael Jackson could be found innocent, but if there is some other factor that means that he is guilty one does rather hope, for the sake of the US Justice system, that it is evidence rather than conveniently prepared and dished up "facts", if that is what they turn out to be.

The media do not seem to be willing to bet either way. Guilty or not, Jackson is the Bush Adminstration's moral wedge by which it can compass its way to religious domination of social values and not necessarily traditional religious social values, either. Rather new world order Christian fundamentals.

Fundamentalism rarely produces a reasonable justice system. Misjudgement, like Shappel Corby being jailed for 20 years when there are terrorists getting only 2-1/2 years. The Indosian justice system has no concept of official error. There seems to be no defence. The court can ignore the obvious and proceed to offend the rest of the world with blatent cruelty. It only need deport Shappel Corby and be done with it, handing her indictment back to the Australian Governent that is responsible for her. She was on holiday and accuses an Australian baggage handler - next, some Australian baggage handlers are themselves being brought up on Australian heroin smuggling operations. Co-incidence? I don't think so.

That Shappel Corby is more likely innocent than not comes from her immediate concern for her mother on realizing the horror of her sentence. 20 years, even if she were guilty (when no evience has been admissable, guilt is doubtful as it has not been established, not guilty is the only verdict) is unecessarily harsh for 4-1/2 kg of cannabis. It is ironic that a cold blooded calculating psychotic murdered a man for no particular reason then attacked his girlfriend and her friend with a sword, severing off one of her hands (later reattached, we are told). He was also sentenced, on the same day, to 20 years without parole. A special sentence for bad bad types. Shappel Corby would be scared off after 3 days in an Indonesian prison. They need not worry,. she will never return to their fair but probably polluted shores.

Neither will anybody not prepared to risk trusting luggage handlers not to interfere with their luggage.. They do. Customs Officers also inspect our bagage. Heaven help us if they start to interfere with the luggage.

The jury have different minds to the rest pf us. They may not react the same as "everyone else". They may come to different conclusions bearing witness to the actual personalities involved. One can not fault the defence for preventing their "key witness" not to take the stand.

However, Jackson may not be allowed to be innocent before proof of guilt is presented.

It may be a little late for proof to be presented, since the prosecution has rested its case. Do the media, or any commentators, in passing judgement, not do the "system" a disfavour? Is it actually quite hard to maintain the equalibrium of calm separation that an emotional case such as this may require when, whichever finding is made, one can be quite sure of a value in telling one's story after it.

It could be considered a crime to profit from close connection with such a case. It could be deemed criminal to ride on the shirtails of justice.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Insanity Plea falls flat

Personality problem and P use do not constitute legal "insanity".

Guilt is established when responsibility can be assigned. Therefore, in criminal cases for minors, or for the mentally incompetent, guilt may not be established beyond a reasonable doubt.

In this case a man was murdered by the now convicted defendant, in cold blood to "send a message" to police. The defendant looks wide eyed and crazed at the jury but they were not intimited or did they flinch from finding him guilty.

The judge handed down a 20 year non-parole jail term as the prisoner in the dock yelled out "bring back the electric chair".

Does this mean that there is a difference between legal "insanity" and actual irrationality?

The legal precident that P use can not justify crimes appears to have been set.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Children and Crime in New Zealand

When a child turns 17 the law stops protecting and starts stepping in where anti social activity becomes something that is being caused by a person empowered by "society" to make choices. When those choices include hurting other people, the law steps in to protect the other people.

Liberal forces will tell us we should be trying to rehabilitate the criminal. Progressive thinkers believe that is the evolved way to proceed. The criminal has made their pleasure known - they want to cause movement. They want to show someone fundamental that they can make things happen, and underneath that they want to show that they can survive.

The trouble with difficult childhoods is the amount of attention not placed on normal progression. To much time get spent looking at how to escape the difficulty or the memory of the difficulty. Violence toward children, when it is inflicted young enough, can cause developmental abberations. Ritual violence or repeated instances of pain inflicted with cruelty subverts the normal social process of being rewarded for social behaviour and having antisocial tendencies blunted by educative progress.

For, what is a society but an organised system of interactions. Social conditions are setup by law - laws enable me to complain and thus control the status of things. This control is an artificial endowment. But it serves to carve out a behaviour pattern that we become familiar with, and a behaviour pattern we can live with.

Unfortunately, the process of criminal youth justice assumes that the child comes from parents who are at fault. When a child commits too many crimes, the state removes the child from the home. The political divide in New Zealand is between efforts to reintegrate and a failing infrastructure called Child Youth and Family Support with its very unfortunate acronym, CYFS. Subject to Government intervention and loss of its leader, this Government body chases up failing families, truants and young offenders.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of demand for the services of CYFS. The staff turnover is terrific and the quality of staff is inconsistent to low with some exceptions. The problem with a system that fails to care adequately when it is the safety net itself, and a system that takes a care of custody over children and mixes troubled adolescents along with criminal adolescents is a recipe for more of the same.

To make CYFS responsive to the amplified needs of this modern world may not be possible. It is understaffed and the staff seem to have a way of designated if a CYFS field worker is "ok" or "not up to it".

We could value our young, but it would be best to start in the home, where the damage is actually done. But to do that would take another huge rip in the social fabric. One that may not mend.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dog day Afternoon

Dog day Afternoon

3 bank robbery attempts on the same day show that video is not an instant invesigative tool, but it is probably the best way for the police to catch the bank robber who uses his anoniminity as a weapon. He is nothing special to look at so rather than alarm bells ringing at best his bland looks may excite a delayed relaction or a niggling matter of concern. It is not long though, until someone will make a connection somewhere and Mr John Doe will be caught in the act. Then video footage is a more powerful weapon in the hands of the police.

As a tool of forensics, this footage may reveal intimate details that may prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person filmed is or is not a suspect. For example, a pattern of spots or the shape of his nose and position of eyes. As a tool of investigation these brief glances of the suspect give few clues but that they have been published on the front page of today's NZ Herald, makes watch dogs of us all. It will also probably alert the suspect that someone is onto him.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The New Zealand Herald

The New Zealand Herald

Police Porn

One must consider work place computers much the same as the walls of the lunch-room. Yes, it is possible to cut out pictures of Brad Pitt or Naomi Watts and reveal one's dark youthful secret crushes to the world, but one only has to turn 24 to realise it may not advance your cause in the world of the workplace. In a similar way, hijacking the work owned resource (known as "bandwidth") for one's own neferious purposes may seem like a blokish tradition and such theft harmless, but it is incriminating in that it is theft.

3000 police staff were caught with pornographic images. Images that were produced to elicit a "private" reaction, perhaps a physical response such as sexual arousal or even laughter, both arguably "unacceptable in the workplace".

That smoking is "unacceptable in the workplace" bears certain fruit when examined for human rights logic. I have a right to live and you do not have the right to poison me finally won out over the right to destroy ones own heath, that had been finally lost.

That any fool can obtain the most bizzare or obscene material and that some of it may be illegal is a failure of border control/customs (for example, China tries to ban any such internet access), and, until it causes someone to express themselves in harmful manner to another, the police probably have not wanted to know. Now the extremely socially reactive will have good reason to believe that the police can be cured of a reluctance to act in cases such as rape of a sex worker. Such reluctance is assertable because computer forensics turns up porn on the police computer system. That it is made public and by lowering the bar to punish a more managable number of officers and let the rest be warned by their own sense of guilt is an interesting attempt to silence critics. The police in NZ seem subject to extreme policitical scrutiny as the opposition attacks the police minister, Hon George Hawkins, he may be the only real chink in Helen Clark's armour.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Content Skipping and Copyright Law

Content Skipping and Copyright

Internet News

Poor laws require more enforcement than well thought out laws. A new law in the US allows for content-skipping technology to be employed in DVD players so that parents can auto-pilot their children past dubious content in DVDs or other media. Home censorship in the hands of parents sounds excellent in theory. After all in our modern world, we view parents as liable for the actions of their children, so it stands to reason that parents should be the final arbiter of whether a child sees something dreadful or damaging.

In theory. In reality it is a violation of free speech. It is the author's right to be recognised for their own work, and if that work is changed or edited by a machine, then it is no longer a faithful representation of the author's work. Copyright law exists to protect the right of the author to make duplicates of movies, texts or music. Originators should be able to preserve the integrity and meaning of their communications alongside duplication control. Otherwise it is not free speech but encumbered speech.

A film maker or writer carefully structures a story so it works. When parts of it are missing by a mechanical or electronic means, there is nothing the author can do to ensure a faithful reproduction of the work. Most authors would prefer that their work not be distributed in an edited or abridged way.

If you took all the profanity and violence out of Shakespere - what do you have left? Not Shakespere. You have an inferior and less powerful rendition that can not impart the same social meaning as the full product. Inferior representations pollute the integrity of human thought and careful planning. Consumer disappointment is the result. That, and badly educated children who think a Shakespere play is a nice fairy story. Pity them, for when they meet with the real world that contains all its warts, they will have no intellectual resources to deal with it.

It is therefore a very poor law as it destroys the work of creative people and allows robots to rule our thoughts. Not to mention that it defeats free speech, automatically.

Friday, April 15, 2005


Spam comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes as it evolves to conquer protection against virus infection, trojan horse programmes that lie dormant for some time before being triggered, either by, for example, running a script that runs every end of month. Back ups at that time are essential.

Ferocious spam is also a disservice to those that spam to make money. They employ the same technology as do keystroke relay systems that can silently and efficiently capture every keystroke you type from there on, and then send it encrypted to a storage place. The US Government most likely already records the internet in that very fashion - it is not even a remotely private medium.

The law acts against those that use spam to make money. The law can not keep up with those who use spam to destroy computer data if they are smart enough. The only solution is universal client monitoring. What else is driving the price of raw memory down? Silicon was always going to be a cheap resource, so memory has become less a commodity but almost a consumable product, when old memory becomes slow, it is replaced by another set of initials that can conquer previously impossible speeds. Watch how fast that screen clears! See that curve calculation whizz you by. Watch movies, just like a "real DVD player". Watch anything that's remotely video. Enable the user to infinitely distribute and duplicate works and then reap the legal benefits. The recording industry collects for artists and sues for its own expansion. It has a huge source of readily available data forensics.

It is that field that is of importance. Not only what is left behind, but what transpires. For a change, one is able to make an indelible copy of a news story and record history as it happens. Researching that history is what Google is laying claim to, the searching of the history we weave. Myths can be dispelled, when we can search history.

Spam pervades myths about artificial fortunes that is being offered to you at no cost on the part of some self-acclaimed provender of miracles. For example, supplying you with myths about your computer system security.

Here is the real fact. Nothing on your computer is sacred. Anything is available to the skilled network engineer or systems programmer. Scanning data streams sounds innocuous enough, maybe, but recording every keystroke - that is a real threat. The American Government has spend billions on security and that expresses a need to monitor data streams. The model of a recording device that constantly analyses and decrypts streams of information from a data source is not as unrealistic as it sounds. Of course, the vast majority of data sources (for example the webaddress of a registered media such as a newspaper) can be ignored. But certain patterns of encryption or even delta patterns may reveal the work of terrorists or banks or others.

Of course, it is the trailing of reasons for suspicion that lead the law into places criminals do their deeds, but never before has the historical context so favoured the law. Now that your every thought can be monitored, a police investigation may delve into more than you may think. And fair enough. Personal veracity matters when it comes to money and property otherwise one has to abandon the idea of money and property.

Now that the law has started to act against spammers, and all spammers have left trails that ultimately reveal who they are, the tide of spam is turning into something more threatening. Intimate intelligence and knowledge works both ways.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Spammer sentenced | Local & State : First felony conviction and sentencing has now occurred of Jeremy Jaynes who used the internet to peddle pornography and committ fraud.

Will the rest of the spammers suddenly take a pause to hide themselves? The matter will go to appeal, and no wonder, Jaynes was grossing $750,000 per month from his operation. Sending him to jail is a waste of a talented but flawed individual. The question of whether society needs protection from the spammer or if "Free speach" must apply to what is a powerful form of broadcasting are both worthy of discussion.

The law targeting junk email raises constitutional quetions: prison time will be defered until the matter is heard under Appeal.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Cannbis Search Plane Crashed - 2 killed

The New Zealand Herald

Cannabis Search Plane Crashed - 2 killed

A cannabis spotter plane crashed and killed both its occupants. Two more people have died enforcing the prohibition laws. The fact that these laws are flouted by people all over the country is self evident. The fact that more powerful drugs are available over the counter is ignored. The fact that this afternoon, in a public park in central Auckland, thousands convene in a free rock concert. If anyone smokes cannabis there it will be no suprise to anyone but we will probably not see police trying to stop them.

The USA sacrifices lives in risky helicopter mission in a pointless war, and we daily risk hapless contractors' lives in similar helicopter missions seeking to control a cash crop due to the laws they are bound to enforce. Why do they risk their lives? Cannabis does not pose a health risk to users, except that the supply is created by "criminals". In fact the law ensures that a large percentage of the profits from this industry go into "gang" hands.

Cannabis is fairly widely used and criminalisation makes little sense when rather a large proportion of our younger generation are more than likely included.

The most damage is done to the hapless contractors and police trying to control it being grown in the NZ bush.

We may hate speed cameras as a method of enforcement, but at least their use saves lives and risks very little harm to anyone. Removing controls on the speed limit would cause death. But providing a social alternative to alcohol has done good as is evident at dance parties where herbal highs are consumed and sold.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Eradication of vehicle theft

Car Theft more difficult

Measures bring brought into the law to protect owners of vehicles make it far more difficult to steal cars by hotwiring the ignition.

This protects new cars by making it much harder to start a car unless the actual key is used. This will mean that car theft will now have to include key theft. Immobilizers are like locks - they do not make theft impossible but more difficult.

So vehicle theft becomes a more personal crime. Instead of your car being quietly driven away, now your handbag will be stolen first. Is this kind of crime prevention actually therefore helpful? Or does it actually make matters worse by removing the element of balance that the Law (that assumes that people will try and get away with breaking it) invokes?

Measures that make it harder to infringe on the rights of others must be a good thing, but only if they work.