The Origins of Criminality - Part I
Faced with choices - how do we react?
What is a small measure today may become an unsurmountable problem tomorrow.
It was once thought that Criminals were born with a different chromosomatic makeup and therefore criminality is inevitable. It may be true at some level, but more often, criminality is a trained-in solution to life problems faced by those who are afraid. If you do not deal with smaller problems when they are smaller they get larger.
Unfortunately, when the problems are smaller, the criminal-to-be is just an infant, and there is no way to solve the problem. You can not just walk away from a violent parent when you are 2 years old. The historic solution ends up becoming an imperative. The behaviour becomes hard to change, cemented into the range available to the growing person. It becomes part of how the person communicates with and views the world.
A simple test of criminal response could be devised. A child who is lazy may be just that, or it may be symptomatic of a long term malaise. Bearing grudges that prevent positive action or only doing the positive when its dished out as punishment both reflect in a mentality that is likely to increase in criminality as the action and reactions are magnified by duration.
Demands of criminals that, due to incarceration, they adopt more social behaviours, are far fetched. The only way to adapt to a society at the end of a long jail sentence may be having achieved a measure of reform.
A child learns not to resort to crime by being rewarded for positive action. Later this means providing meaningful paid work. Work schemes that have taken idle hands and turned them into productive hands have changed the face of some of New Zealand's gangs.
Welfarism is a great thing in the modern world, but it is an unfortunate set of rules when it rewards non-action and manufactures people who believe that everything should be provided on a plate, rather than worked toward.
The need for immediate satifaction, the denial of long term gains, and the building of a life that has meaning and dignity: these are what eventually make us proud of our children.
The "feed me" generation that is plugged into computer games for immediate and meaningless thrills - these are breeding grounds for agressive stupidity. These are the people who want war, not as the last resort, but as a first response. Behaviour reflects this, the persona will up the ante at the first sign of order.
Criminality is the negative solution that replaces our social thwarting (or rechannelling) of certain desires into contexts that are "safe". It is safe to give money at the checkout and take the groceries. It is not safe to run from security police as fast as you can. For the criminal, it is not safe to communicate as that makes them face the initial problem of their lives, the violence or abuse they suffered as infants, a terror carried from one end of life to the other.