Tuesday, March 11, 2003

More arrests for Speed

In New Zealand, Non-Cannibis related drug offences rose by 28% in the last year according to police statistics. Cannibis offenses reduced by 7.5%.

Murders also rose by a disproportionate rate, of 23%, against a recorded crime rate increase of just 3.2%.

What does this mean? It means that the police are concentrating their efforts at breaking Speed factories. It also means that there is more money in making and selling drugs that are more harmful.

It also means that there is a heightened sense of vigilance as it appears to be obvious that the murder rate is related to the use of a drug that causes long term brain damage to those that indulge heavily.

It also means that you are more likely to be seriously busted for Speed or Coke than Dope. Running a speed factory has its own risks including fire or explosion. Being busted for manufacturing speed could land you with years and years behind bars. Gang leaders of Black Power and the Mongrel Mob have come out and said they wouldn't touch speed manufacture as they probably had a mate who ended up going berserk and killing themselves.

If you have a friend who is involved in this industry, refer them to a good lawyer. If you know someone who is addicted to speed understand that the damage they inflict upon themselves may not be reversable.

Put them in touch with Odyssey House.

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