Saturday, August 30, 2003

Law and Order News from NZCity

Law and Order News from NZCity

ATM Scam

The "Lebonese" ATM scam has not been seen in NZ, but this article details how it works. By using a plastic sleeve apparently some ATMs fool a frustrated customer into a belief that the machine has confiscated their card, allowing onlooking thieves to steal both their PIN number entered frantically.

Perhaps the Banks should reassure customers that this is not possible on their model of ATM or do not enter your PIN number when someone is standing behind you.

It is notable that the ANZ bank in Queen Street use a ticket system with seats that enhances customer comfort and privacy.

If this was an ISP leaking email addresses there would be concern about it in the media. Banks sound to me like they are in denial rather than informing customers if there is a danger such a scam would work in a NZ environment. Somehow one may suspect that someone will get caught doing it after the banks say nothing.

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